segunda-feira, maio 24, 2021

"Value created"

"Willingness-to-pay (WTP) sits at the top end of the value stick. It represents the customer’s point of view. More specifically, it is the most a customer would ever pay for a product or service. If companies find ways to improve their product, WTP will increase.
Willingness-to-sell (WTS), at the bottom end of the value stick, refers to employees and suppliers. For employees, WTS is the minimum compensation they require to accept a job offer.
The difference between WTP and WTS, the length of the stick, is the value that a firm creates.
Companies that excel at creating value focus squarely on WTP and WTS. Every significant initiative is designed to either enhance the customer experience—that is, increase consumers’ WTP—or make it more attractive for vendors and employees to work with the company, in other words, decrease their WTS.
Companies that outperform their peers increase WTP or decrease WTS in ways that are difficult to imitate.
It is surprising, perhaps, but true nevertheless: the companies that perform best do not think about themselves first and foremost. They dream up ever better ways to create value for others. Think value, not profit, and profit will follow."

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