domingo, maio 17, 2020

"Letting it happen is not making it happen"

Há empresas que têm um modelo de negócio. Depois, o mundo muda e elas, em dez de mudarem de modelo de negócio, investem com ainda mais energia e empenho no modelo que têm em mãos e está a naufragar.
"Man is a thinking reed but his great works are done when he is not calculating and thinking. “Childlikeness” has to be restored….
Perhaps this is why it is said that great poetry is born in silence. Great music and art are said to arise from the quiet depths of the unconscious, and true expressions of love are said to come from a source which lies beneath words and thoughts. So it is with the greatest efforts in sports; they come when the mind is as still as a glass lake.
Letting it happen is not making it happen. It is not trying hard. It is not controlling your shots.
[Moi ici: Segue-se um trecho que me faz recordar os ratinhos no livro "Quem mexeu no meu queijo". Não há julgamento sobre a situação, não há recriminações. O mundo mudou e ... é preciso mudar] Fortunately, most children learn to walk before they can be told how to by their parents. Yet, children not only learn how to walk very well, but they gain confidence in the natural learning process which operates within them. Mothers observe their children’s efforts with love and interest, and if they are wise, without much interference.
When the child loses his balance and falls, the mother doesn’t condemn it for being clumsy. She doesn’t even feel bad about it; she simply notices the event and perhaps gives a word or gesture of encouragement. Consequently, a child’s progress in learning to walk is never hindered by the idea that he is uncoordinated.
The changes that Sally made in her forehand lay in the fact that she gave Self 2 a clear visual image of the results she desired. Then she told her body in effect, “Do whatever you have to do to go there.” All she had to do was let it happen.” [Moi ici: Quando é preciso mudar de modelo de negócio o que é preciso é deixar o sistema falar, perceber onde estão os sinais do que pode ser uma janela de oportunidade para o futuro]
Trechos retirados de “The Inner Game of Tennis” de W. Timothy Gallwey,

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