quinta-feira, novembro 01, 2018

Para reflexão

Admitamos como hipótese plausível que o bagageiro referido nesta estória é uma pessoa bem intencionada, "This Baggage Handler Deliberately Sent Passengers' Luggage to the Wrong City 286 Times. Here's Why He Did It", afinal o mundo não está repleto de terroristas:
"A baggage handler at what many regard as the world's best airport, Singapore's Changi, Tay decided to change the luggage tags on a bag.
And then on another bag.
He kept going until 286 bags had been sent to the wrong destination.
This seems so thoroughly mean-spirited. What had these passengers done to deserve such inconvenience?
Well, as the ineffably charming Straits Times reports, Tay didn't appreciate his bosses and their alleged refusal to listen.
In 2016, he began working at the airport and was stationed at an Explosives Detection System X-Ray machine.
The machine kept breaking down.
Which meant Tay would have to lug passengers' luggage to another machine. He's 65 and this he found strenuous.
His bosses at Lian Cheng Contracting, he claimed, did nothing about it.
Changing the luggage tags was Tay's way of expressing his frustrations.
Logicians might observe that he was taking it out on the wrong people. It seems, though, that Tay thought this was the best way of bringing his bosses' attention to the machine issue."
A que nível de desespero uma pessoa bem intencionada pode ser levada para começar a agir desta forma?

E na sua empresa, quantas pessoas desesperadas por não serem ouvidas já agiram desta forma? Muitas vezes nem é preciso agir deliberadamente, basta pecar por omissão:

- Se eles, os donos, os chefes, não se preocupam, vou-me preocupar eu??!"

Que canais de diálogo existem? Como é que alguém pode lançar uma "flag" de alerta? E recordar que numa linha de montagem à japonesa um trabalhador tem autoridade para carregar num botão e parar a linha por completo. Pense no significado desse poder...

BTW, Paul Akers em "2 Second Lean":
“We like to say at FastCap that we’re in the business of growing people. The result of growing people is that we produce outstanding products; we work in an innovative environment where ideas are welcomed with the same enthusiasm whether they come from the entry-level employee or the CFO. The expectation of every person at FastCap is that things will continue to get better every day; the culture supports and demands it!
This is how you measure your progress of building a Lean culture: smiles. You will see more smiles because it feels good when everybody is experiencing improvement and working in a clean environment.
Nurturing people to be their best, taking the time to review results, listening to ideas for improvement and learning together is what our morning meeting is about. From the entry-level employee on their very first day of work all the way up to me as owner – we take on the process of learning and improving together. Nobody is given a pass and nobody is left out of the expectation for improvement. That’s how we started building a culture at FastCap. The morning meeting was just the”
Eis a agenda da reunião da manhã:

Em 2014 escrevia aqui:
"Há quase quinze anos conheci uma organização na área da saúde que, por não tratar da manutenção do ar condicionado nos blocos operatórios, viu subir em flecha as infecções pós-operatórias e o tempo médio de internamento... acham que a culpa era da ministra Belém Roseira?"

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