domingo, junho 24, 2018

Trabalho 4.0

Assim como o governo alemão lançou o tema da Indústria 4.0, também lançou recentemente um documento para discutir o Trabalho 4.0 sobre como será o trabalho do futuro.

Penso que é um documento demasiado preso ao paradigma do emprego criado pelo século XX, deixando por isso para segundo ou terceiro plano a "gig economy", mas não deixa de ser interessante:
"Whilst decent work and income remain fundamentally important, a new balance will permanently have to be struck between security and flexibility. Social security and the integration of all citizens into occupation will continue to be a key goal. However, increasingly pluralistic life and work styles call for a stronger element of self-determination and flexibility in, for example, where and when people decide to work.
The predominant assumption is that the witnessed transformations will not lead to mass job losses but a massive change in occupations and job profiles. This makes skills development and life-long learning even more important than it already is.
[Moi ici: Desconfio que muitos partidários do status quo, em ambos os lados do balcão, não vão gostar disto] Why should social security systems only kick-in when people approach the end of their working lives or risk losing their jobs? The whitepaper instead turns to an idea of preventative social policy and suggests gradually expanding the currently existing unemployment insurance into an employment insurance, with an individual right to independent vocational guidance and continuing education and training. This should also transform the agency managing unemployment into a more pro-active qualification agency.
Issues that will most likely become even more relevant in coming years are around working time and flexibility. Whereas a lot of employees still prefer fixed working hours and don’t want to check their emails on their weekends, more and more people value the flexibility modern forms of communication can provide and would rather leave the office early to spend time with their children and catch up on emails later in the evening.
Suggestions also include the establishment of long-term personal accounts that each individual sets up at the start of their working life, equipped with a basic “capital” and then earning credits through employment or individual contributions. These credits could then be used for education, skill enhancement or career breaks."
Trechos retirados de "Work 4.0: How Germany is shaping the future of work"

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