"Organizational ambidexterity is the capability of effectively pursuing strategically important explorative ventures concurrently with executing the established business by means of utilizing a high leverage of core assets and competencies.Ontem no Twitter apanhei esta frase:
effective ambidextrous designs are based on a set of interrelated choices made by the leader. Any subset of the core mechanisms is associated with underperformance. As such, executing ambidextrous designs can be seen as a complex senior leadership task that requires an integrated set of strategic, structural, incentive, and top team process decisions.
In a nutshell, successful implementation of ambidextrous designs seems to follow the rationale: Act your way into thinking, rather than think your way into acting."[Moi ici: Muitas vezes, quando o mundo muda rapidamente, a única forma de dar a volta passa por este testar, experimentar, apagar, iterar e voltar a testar uma outra vez até chegar a algo que pareça ter pernas para andar]
"The Romans judged their political system by asking not whether it made sense but whether it worked."— NassimNicholasTaleb (@nntaleb) September 5, 2017
The clear minded @holland_tom
E fiquei a ruminar neste pragmatismo:
"not whether it made sense but whether it worked."
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