sexta-feira, setembro 29, 2017

O preço é o adequado?

A pergunta que convido sempre as empresas a não incluírem nos seus inquéritos a clientes:
- O preço é o adequado?
A propósito de "Why You Should Never Ask Customers What They’ll Pay":
"It is not your customer’s job to set pricing.
An optimal price is one that is accepted but not without some initial resistance. It is your job to both set that price and convince the customer. Apple is a master at this. They manage to charge a premium for their products and get people lining-up for their products.
Principle 1: Pricing is Part of the Product...
Here, the price can change your perception of the product.
Principle 2: Pricing Determines Your CustomersPricing doesn’t just define the product but also your customers.
Principle 3: Pricing is Relative...
Because pricing and product are inseparable, you should not directly bring up the price of your product until you have a clear understanding of what you are building, for who, and know what alternatives already exist."

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