domingo, outubro 09, 2016

"The customer will be transformed from being an audience to an actor"

Leio "What Businesses Need To Know About The Fourth Industrial Revolution" e fico a pensar que há aqui qualquer coisa em falta. Questiono-me se será por causa da audiência-alvo do artigo e do seu âmbito de actuação.
Entretanto, encontro o que sinto falta lá naquele texto em "A pattern language of post-industrial work":
"The customer is now seen as being directly and actively involved in the key moments of value creation as opposed to passively consuming value. [Moi ici: No 1º artigo o cliente é visto como um alvo imóvel]
There are profound implications that result from this change of thinking. Products and services are not reproducible as such any more. Solutions are by default contextual, but they can be starting points for someone else to create value. Creative, connected learning is at the core of the post-industrial business.
To succeed you need relationships and interaction. When customers are identified as individuals in different use contexts, the sales process is really a joint process of solving problems. You and your customer necessarily then become cooperators. You are together trying to solve the customer’s problem in a way that both satisfies the customer and ensures a profit for you.
The focus should now be on cooperation and emergent interaction based on transparency, interdependence and responsiveness.
The really big objective of the digital transformation is to reconfigure agency in a way that brings relationships into the center.
The key understanding is that it is now the customers or members of the network who create value, not the network owner. The customer will be transformed from being an audience to an actor."[Moi ici: Frase assassina para os crentes no modo gringo de fazer negócio à la século XX]
É a continuação de ""a human touch becomes more important than ever""

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