terça-feira, setembro 20, 2016

O poder da interacção directa

Continuando a minha leitura de Christian Grönroos e Johanna Gummerus em "The service revolution and its marketing implications: Service logic vs service-dominant logic".
Penso primeiro nos que sonham com a automatização das relações com os clientes, penso nos encadeados pelos faróis do eficientismo e que, por isso, passam ao lado da vantagem competitiva da interacção.
"The firm is not restricted to offering value propositions ...Service marketing knowledge, concepts and models reflect the foundational premise that service providers are not restricted to offering value propositions; instead, the marketing context of service firms, unlike that for consumer goods, is characterised by interactivity, reciprocity and two-way influences in the service process. The value for the customer of the service being provided in this process thus depends on how the service provider and customer, through their behaviour and communication, influence each other. The provider clearly influences the service and its value for the customer. In addition, fellow customers who are simultaneously present in the process may exert impacts....providers, together with other parties, may need to act to ensure the realisation of proposed value, which is possible only during the interaction between the firm and the customer....Because the actors’ processes – the firm’s service production process and the customer’s consumption and value creation processes – merge into one collaborative, dialogical process during direct interactions, a platform for co-creation of value for both actors arises. The activities on this platform are interactive, mutual and reciprocal. Both parties can directly and actively influence each other’s processes. Therefore, the value-in-use created for the customer (or the firm or both actors) is influenced by actions that occur on the platform..As a clearer understanding of the nature of direct interactions shows, in services there are ample opportunities for the firm, as a service provider, to go beyond the goods logic-influenced view that the firm can only offer value propositions. The service provider can actively and directly influence customers’ perceptions of the firm and its service, as well as customers’ willingness to continue buying from it. Whatever value the service provider has originally promised, or proposed (using value proposition terminology), may be moderated and altered during the interaction process and thus change the customer’s experiences and determination of value-in-use. The higher the value-in-use, the greater the likelihood that the customer considers buying from the same firm the next time. If the co-creation process has an unfavourable impact on the customer’s experiences and value-in-use, the effect likely will be the opposite."

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