quarta-feira, agosto 17, 2016

Value-Based Pricing?

A propósito deste artigo, "A Quick Guide to Value-Based Pricing", não consigo deixar de pensar que não concordo com a interpretação do autor sobre o que é o Value-Based Pricing:
“Value-based pricing is the method of setting a price by which a company calculates and tries to earn the differentiated worth of its product for a particular customer segment when compared to its competitor.”
Sim, acho que tem a ver com "a particular customer segment".
Não, acho isto que se segue errado:
"2) Compare with next best alternative. This pricing method only works when the target segment has a specific competitor’s product they can buy instead. Value-based pricers always ask the question: “What would this segment buy if my product wasn’t available?” This “next best alternative” for the target is the essential point of comparison for calculating the value-based price. For products that are truly new, without peers, the value-based pricing methodology won’t work well."
Julgo que o autor confunde competition-based pricing com value-based pricing.
Harry Macdivitt e Mike Wilkinson em "Value-Based Pricing: Drive Sales and Boost Your Bottom Line by Creating, Communicating and Capturing Customer Value" definem value-based pricing como:
E começam o capítulo intitulado "Competion-Based Approaches" com:
"In competition-based pricing, we compare the features and specifications of our product with those of the competition and make a judgment about how the product should be positioned and priced."
O value-based pricing procura identificar os benefícios (económicos e emocionais) que o cliente vai sentir por causa da oferta. Depois de reconhecidos, ambas as partes partilham os ganhos criados pela interacção.

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