domingo, junho 05, 2016

Problemas como a base para o sucesso

Li algures durante o mês de Maio um título que rezava mais ou menos assim "Os problemas de uma empresa são a base para o seu sucesso". Infelizmente não consigo rastrear esse artigo para o recuperar. No entanto, encontro agora um outro que vai no mesmo sentido "Your greatest constraint is your greatest advantage":
"Constraints get a bad rap. People see them as wholly negative: they impede progress and diminish potential. Entrepreneurs, in particular, seem locked in a perpetual grim struggle against scarce resources and abundant obstacles.
But constraints can also be fertile, enabling--even desirable. They can make people and businesses more than they were rather than less than they could be. Constraints force people to reframe problems and get creative. And from that fresh perspective and creativity emerge new opportunities: superior alternatives at which smooth, open roads would never have arrived."

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