sábado, abril 30, 2016

Curiosidade do dia

Recomendo a leitura cuidadosa desta "encomenda "Acima de lixo. DBRS mantém 'rating' de Portugal".
Qual o papel do jornalismo? O que deve fazer entre o emissor e o leitor?
Agora, leiam o que se encontra no comunicado da DBRS:
"There are also risks to the fiscal outlook, largely emerging from optimistic growth assumptions and the government’s limited ability to pursue a tight fiscal strategy in the medium term, given its weak mandate.
However, the ratings could come under downward pressure if there is a weakening in the political commitment to sustainable economic policies or if growth markedly underperforms, leading to a deterioration in public debt dynamics. Specifically, a reversal of structural reforms that threaten a return of large macroeconomic imbalances or policy inaction to deal with fiscal pressures would indicate weak political commitment and raise concerns about the durability of the fiscal adjustment.
Moreover, the government’s reliance on support from left-wing parties could impede the adoption of additional fiscal measures, if needed, thus increasing the risk of slippage."
Textos da Lusa são "encomendas políticas"?
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