sábado, outubro 24, 2015

Risco e tomada de decisões

"Risk paradoxIf an organization uses quantitative risk analysis at all, it is usually for routine operational decisions. The largest, most risky decisions get the least amount of proper risk analysis. [Moi ici: Recordei-me logo de "Lovaglia’s Law: The more important the outcome of a decision, the more people will resist using evidence to make it."]
Over the years, in case after case, I have found that if organizations apply quantitative risk analysis at all, it is on relatively routine, operational-level decisions. The largest, most risky decisions are subject to almost no risk analysis—at least not any analysis that an actuary or statistician would be familiar with. I refer to this phenomenon as the “risk paradox.”
Almost all of the most sophisticated risk analysis is applied to less risky operational decisions while the riskiest decisions - mergers, IT portfolios, big research and development initiatives, and the like - receive virtually none (or at least not the kind that passes as real, quantitative risk analysis). Why is this true? Perhaps it is because there is a perception that operational decisions—approving a loan or computing an insurance premium—seem simpler to quantify but the truly risky decisions are too elusive to quantify."
Trecho retirado de "How to Measure Anything - Finding the Value of “Intangibles” in Business" de Douglas Hubbard.

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