quinta-feira, junho 18, 2015

Curiosidade do dia

A propósito de "That Finnish teaching success".
Julgo que por cá qualquer pessoa pode matricular-se para ser professor e, uma vez acabada a formação, sente-se com direito a um lugar no sistema.
Entretanto, na Finlândia, pratica-se esta segregação exigente:
"But the five-year master’s degree for primary school teachers is not in question. Competition is fierce – only 7% of applicants in Helsinki were accepted this year, leaving more than 1,400 disappointed."
Segregação que por cá seria provavelmente considerada inconstitucional e merecedora de um festival de providências cautelares pelo eterno Nogueira.

3 comentários:

Carlos Albuquerque disse...

O melhor é seguir o link do link para um artigo cujo título já diz quase tudo:

"Highly trained, respected and free: why Finland's teachers are different"


No meio do artigo há passagens muito interessantes:

"Welcome to a country where teaching is a highly prized profession."

"Teaching in England seems to be somewhere between administration and giving tests to students"

"In Finland, teachers are largely free from external requirements such as inspection, standardised testing and government control"

"For a small, agrarian and relatively poor nation, educating all of its youth equally well was seen as the best way to catch up with other industrialised countries"

"The Finnish dream, as he calls it, was for all children, regardless of family background or personal conditions, to have a good school in their community – a focus that has remained unchanged for the past four decades. "

"Educationists point to historically specific factors that have helped to fashion Finland’s schools, such as the country’s small population, its relatively late dash for modernity, and broad acceptance of values such as equality and collaboration that are embedded in its version of the Nordic welfare model."

O que nos impede de seguir o modelo finlandês? Uma profissão respeitada tem candidatos de qualidade e pode ser exigente.

Porque é que preferimos seguir em Portugal o modelo do Arizona?


"Teachers have been fleeing Arizona in droves, resulting in such a serious shortage of experienced teachers that state officials are warning of serious consequences if the exodus continues."

"Low pay, insufficient classroom resources and so many testing requirements and teaching guidelines that educators feel they have no instructional time and flexibility in their own classrooms"

CCz disse...

Se tivéssemos mais Mários Nogueiras o ensino estaria melhor?

Carlos Albuquerque disse...

Ooops... Afinal isto era sobre o Mário Nogueira.