terça-feira, junho 16, 2015

Curiosidade do dia

Isto foi escrito para humanos "The Undeniable Benefits of Being Weird"
No entanto, se aplicarmos a mensagem às empresas, continuará a fazer sentido:
"All my life I’ve heard the same refrain, “Why can’t you be… Normal?” But, everything in life has its risks including (and especially) being ‘Normal.’ Most of us understand there’s risk when taking the chance and aspiring to something more. But even more are ignorant of the cost of Normal, the cost of not taking chances, and the risk of complacency.
The road to normal is well-paved and even has rush hours. But weird? Weird is a solitary path.
I’m more inspired by the heroic stories of those who possess the real courage to be weird when it’s not easy, the proverbial “Mad Ones.” Those at the day-to-day job of taking risks, before their weirdness is validated with money, notoriety, or any level of success. To be weird when it’s hard work. That means you.
The things that made you weird as a kid, make you great today. Accepting that weirdness is a hard personal choice, but quite frankly, exciting and enriching. We don’t do it for the reward or the success but for our own freedom and to light the way for others.
Accept it, you’re weird."
Tantas e tantas empresas que aproveitaram um acaso, uma brincadeira, um truque... lembrei-me agora da história da Nexx.
BTW, com umas meias coloridas calçadas, recomendo "People Who Wear Crazy Socks Are Rebellious, Intriguing And Successful"

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