domingo, maio 10, 2015

Há quem tenha medo da responsabilidade

A liberdade, a responsabilidade de agir não é para todos.
Para muitos, porque a escola e/ou a família educou-os assim, é mais fácil obedecer.
"As previously stated, self-management and self-organization is not for everyone, and not everyone will necessarily want to move forward in the direction of the Best Customers Strategy and the strategy statements that were recently rolled out. Therefore, there will be a special version of "the offer" on a company-wide scale, in which each employee will be offered at least 3 months severance (and up to 3 months of COBRA reimbursement for benefits) if he/she feels that self-management, self-organization, and our Best Customers Strategy and strategy statements as published in Glass Frog are not the right fit."
"Zappos, perhaps the most well-known adherent to Holocracy, just confirmed that nearly 14% of its staff (210 people, out of Zappo's total workforce of 1,503) have accepted an offer to take a buyout rather than ride out the transition to full-blown Holocracy, the Las Vegas Sun reports." 
Recordo uma conversa com um vizinho, já há alguns anos, estava indignado porque a multinacional onde trabalhava, queria que os operários deixassem de ser paus mandados e agissem com alguma autonomia. Por ele estava tudo bem como estava, como pau mandado.

Trechos retirados de "210 Zappos Employees Respond to Holacracy Ultimatum: we're out"

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