quarta-feira, abril 01, 2015

Curiosidade do dia

No Reino Unido, por cada 100 doutorados quantos chegam a catedráticos? E quantos ficam a fazer parte dos quadros de investigação?
"Staying in academia when it isn’t right for you, staying simply because you can’t think what else to do, or staying because you feel frightened to try out something new is the failure. As a supervisor it is never pleasant to say to a student you’d be better off elsewhere but that is quite often bound to be the case. Not everyone is cut out for research and it would be very boring if they were; it would also leave great holes elsewhere in our economy! But, as one blogger implied recently maybe the system is failing when it doesn’t kick people out fast, not when it does."
Imagem e trecho retirado de "Thinking about the Pipeline"

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CCz disse...
