sexta-feira, março 13, 2015

Curiosidade do dia

Retrato de um país em mudança acelerada. A fazer em anos o que no Ocidente se fez em décadas e décadas. Conseguirão?
"China has far more steel mills than it needs, a problem made worse by the country’s shrinking housing market, the most voracious consumer of the metal. Companies have scaled back or closed, as domestic steel prices have collapsed.
The country’s traditional drivers of growth — manufacturing, real estate and local government infrastructure spending — are now among the biggest threats to China’s economy.
A slowdown in those areas is expected, and even accounted for in the country’s economic outlook.
“If you look at what companies are suffering the most in China, it is heavy industry,”

Trechos retirados de "For Chinese Economy, Strengths Are Now Weaknesses"

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