domingo, fevereiro 08, 2015

Psicologia e pricing

Não sei se concordo com tudo.
No entanto "The Psychology Of Pricing And Your Brand" parece um texto interessante para perceber que existe muita psicologia por detrás de um preço.
Será que existe mesmo assim tanta diferença entre €599 e €600?
Já o tipo de letra e o tamanho das letras usadas nas etiquetas:
"Framing people to expect quality and having a price-gun sticker using a monospaced font like Courier, is not going to create the psychological connection a brand requires to get people
to buy.
One of the key areas in which brands consistently make an error is in the area of comparative pricing, where they want to show buyers how much money they have saved.  Here they often put the old, original price in small type, crossed out, with the new price nice and big.  But the problem is that buyers perceive big type as representing higher prices, especially when comparisons are being made.  So if a brand needs to emphasise low price because it is comparing to a competitor or a former pre-sale price, the new lower price needs to be in a smaller type size than the old or competing higher price."

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