segunda-feira, fevereiro 23, 2015


Em "Craft Beer Is Booming, but Brewers See Crossroads" muito material interessante para reflexão estratégica.
O sucesso da cerveja artesanal, o crescimento, a opção entre aproveitar a consolidação para crescer ou manter o crescimento orgânico:
"“Going from zero to 50,000 barrels requires branding, strong culture and great distributors, and this can be accomplished by a special entrepreneur with a strong core team,” he said. “But to go from 50,000 to 250,000 and break into the top 10 craft brewers, you have extra infrastructure requirements, and that’s where a partner like Riverside can be helpful.”
As such deals become more common, some wonder how this will change the industry’s culture.
Ms. Jordan says this is a meaningful worry.
What I do worry about is when you have companies who are selling to people whose brand story is not so compelling, who are not the founders,” Ms. Jordan said. “I think that colors the collective imagination of craft brewers as a whole. They move from an iconoclastic community of interesting business practices and interesting expression of the craft into a bit more of a business-as-usual model.”"
Continuar como "artesanal" ou mudar de cultura?
O que queremos ser?
Qual a vantagem competitiva?
Por que compram a nossa oferta?
O que tem de mudar no marketing, no posicionamento, na proposta de valor, na cultura, com esta evolução?
Quando é que a mudança se torna inevitável?

1 comentário:

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