quinta-feira, dezembro 04, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

Uma perspectiva interessante em "Did Japan actually lose any decades?".
Apesar do PIB cair, o PIB per capita tem crescido porque a população japonesa está a cair mais depressa.
"We’ve previously noted that, between the start of 2005 and the recent consumption tax increase, real GDP per person has grown more in Japan than in the US, Canada, the UK, and the euro area, while Professor Krugman has noted that real output per working-age adult in Japan has tracked the equivalent figures in the US and Europe quite closely throughout the “lost decades”.
After adjusting for population, real household spending grew more from 1990-2013 in Japan than in every country in our sample except for Sweden, the UK, and US"
Um tema discutido no Twitter há meses.

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