quarta-feira, outubro 01, 2014

"making sense of value creation and co-creation" (parte VII)

Parte I, parte II, parte IIIparte IV,  parte V e parte VI.
E voltando ao artigo de Gronroos e Voima:
"that interactions are situations in which the interacting parties are involved in each other’s practices. [Moi ici: Não é uma mera transacção, não basta ir à prateleira buscar um produto padrão, não basta disponibilizar as instalações, é preciso calçar os sapatos do outro] The core of interaction is a physical, virtual, or mental contact, such that the provider creates opportunities to engage with its customers’ experiences and practices and thereby influences their flow and outcomes. Opportunities for interacting are natural in service encounters but may be created in goods marketing contexts too, such as through order taking, logistics, problem diagnosing, and call centers..Interaction is a dialogical process. Customer and provider processes merge into a coordinated, interactive process in which both actors are active, such as when a customer orders a vacation from a tour operator. In direct interactions, the processes are simultaneous and intertwined....the role of the customer and the provider in value creation and co-creation depend on the sphere in which potential and real value are being created. Only in a joint sphere is co-creation of value between the firm and the customer possible....Because value is created in usage, interactions make the value creation process potentially accessible to the provider. If the service provider manages to make use of this opportunity, it may take part in the customer’s value creation process as a co-creator."
O esquema que se segue é fundamental:

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