quarta-feira, maio 14, 2014

Entrar no mercado ... a que preço? (parte II)

"Ask most businesspeople what they could do to dramatically increase their profi ts, and their answers are usually:
  • Increase my advertising
  • Add more salespeople
  • Add incentives to buy more
All three strategies would probably sell more products, but they are risky. The fi rst two will increase your costs—for which you hope to then get a payoff in increased sales and (hopefully) profi ts. The third strategy will lower your profit margin, so you ’re earning less per unit sold.
Yet these three answers miss the most obvious way to dramatically increase profi ts: a price raise.
So let ’s look at the same situation—if your units sold were to drop 10 percent when you raise prices 10 percent.
What could it mean for you? Typically, with the cost structure at most companies, a 1 percent increase in price yields a 12 percent gain in profi ts (Dolan and Simon, 1996).
There ’s simply no marketing decision you can make with as strong an impact on your profi ts as pricing."
Trechos retirados de "Setting profitable prices: a step-by-step guide to pricing strategy—without hiring a consultant" de Marlene Jensen.

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