quarta-feira, junho 12, 2013

Acerca da diversidade de estratégias

"There's a big hole in the enterprise — a gap that, until it is filled, will not let them meaningfully execute any strategy. Instead of trying to figure out what they're missing, and solve their biggest issues, they focus on finding a direction, any direction, to try to steer their ship.
But in the real world, the choice of a direction is just one element of strategy. It must be integrated with choices about one's identity, purpose, and capabilities.
Those who want to be effective strategists thus have a lot to sort through — multiple value creation theories, and scores of approaches on creating strategy (with hundreds of books with advice on the topic). What if, instead of looking for one solution that works for everything, business strategists looked for ways to improve their own judgment and strategic focus? We think one approach to building this judgment is to look more freshly at the companies in your own industry. Who is winning and how are they doing it? What are the key drivers of your company's success? These are not simple questions, and that is why the topic of strategy still seems quite unsolved to many. But if you spend some time thinking about companies this way, you will find your own discernment — of internal and external factors — can improve.
Most people, for example, recognize that different companies in the same industry approach strategy in very different ways — and this difference, in itself, drives their competitive advantage."
Quanto mais observo um mesmo sector de actividade, mais beleza consigo encontrar na diversidade de estratégias que consigo descobrir... o tal paralelismo com a biologia.
E essa diversidade que traz a resiliência que funciona como vacina contra uma catástrofe sectorial.

Trecho retirado de "Focus Your Strategy By Assessing Others'"

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