domingo, abril 21, 2013

Curiosidade do dia

"“Chess is about getting to endgame," says Moore. "What happens between the start and then doesn’t necessarily matter. You could lose more pieces or a more valuable piece, and at the end of the day, if you capture the opponent’s king, you win the game.”
Sometimes that means in the short term you make sacrifices.” You might make a tactical decision that appears to put you behind, but actually strengthens your position for when the smoke clears, and each side’s knights and bishops have fallen.
It's easy to chart a course to endgame; it can be difficult to stay on it.
“One of the biggest mistakes in business is to lose focus,
” says Moore. It’s easy to get distracted by what your competitors are doing."
Ao ler estes trechos em que um CEO reflecte sobre o que o mundo do xadrez lhe ensinou e ele aplica na sua startup, lembrei-me logo do governo de Passos Coelho.
Hoje no Twitter li "Portugal é a sétima economia mais lenta do mundo":
"A economia nacional foi uma das tartarugas do crescimento mundial nos primeiros dez anos do século XXI e prepara-se para repetir a 'proeza' nesta segunda década."
Há mais de dez anos que temos um crescimento medíocre, muito antes da austeridade começar já o crescimento era medíocre. Logo...
Quando leio "Passos anuncia conselho de ministros extraordinário para aprovar agenda de crescimento" desconfio que vamos voltar à primeira década deste século, crescimento anémico suportado em dinheiro emprestado e torrado em auto-estradas, em Qimondas, em estádios de futebol, em...
"It's easy to chart a course to endgame; it can be difficult to stay on it.
“One of the biggest mistakes in business is to lose focus,”
Em tempos, montei o estaminé para esperar "Já estou instalado e aguardo..." mas nunca soube qual o valor que o Estado tinha torrado na Qimonda, por causa das estratégias de crescimento. Numa sociedade pouco transparente é assim, em paragens menos católicas e mais protestantes, como dirá Pedro Arroja, as coisas são mais claras. Reparem nesta Qimonda made in Rhode Island "Thrown for a Curve in Rhode Island" é tão ou mais estúpida que a Qimonda... quantos jornalistas pegaram na história da Qimonda?
O paralelismo impressiona:
"But that winter, Rhode Island was on the precipice of economic ruin. Its unemployment rate was pushing up against 12 percent — fourth worst in the nation — and three of its cities were careening toward bankruptcy. Facing term limits, Mr. Carcieri had only months left to do something to arrest the steep decline.
And soon Rhode Island’s lawmakers were rushing to approve a deal to make the state Mr. Schilling’s angel investor.
Ideas that seem plausible in our darkest moments often seem plainly flawed in hindsight, and you can probably see where all this is going. A little more than two years after Mr. Carcieri first talked to Mr. Schilling about 38 Studios — so named for his baseball uniform number — the company went bankrupt, blowing a sizable hole in the state’s already strained finances."

Trechos retirados de "6 Strategy Lessons From A Former Chess Prodigy Who's Now A CEO"

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