quinta-feira, fevereiro 14, 2013

Um sector maduro para a mudança...

Recordar "Frases de antologia", depois:

"The class of 2014 and beyond now has to prepare a college value plan. What classes are you going to take online that enable you to get the most credits for the least cost. What classes are you going to take at a local, low-cost school so you can get additional credits at the lowest cost.
Then, with your freshman and sophomore classes out of the way, you can start to figure out which school you would like to transfer to, or two years from now, which online classes you can take that challenge you and prepare you for the areas you want to focus on. If you have the personal discipline you may be able to avoid ever having to step on a campus and graduating with a good degree and, miracle of miracles, no debt.
For the smart student who cares about getting their money's worth from college, the days of one school for four years are over."
"In yet another step toward democratizing higher education, StraighterLine, a pioneering provider of accredited, low-cost, self-paced online college courses, has started a new feature called "Professor Direct." The program--which will be eligible for college credit through the American Council on Education--gives professors the option to teach courses directly to students."
"Somehow, recently, a lot of people have taken an interest in the broadcast of canned educational materials, and this practice — under a term that proponents and detractors have settled on, massive open online course (MOOC) — is getting a publicity surge. I know that the series of online classes offered by Stanford proved to be extraordinarily popular, leading to the foundation of Udacity and a number of other companies."

"you would have lots of informal spaces in a building where ideas happen." (Moi ici: As ideias acontecem onde as pessoas estão)

"Generally, universities are doing very well financially, so they don’t feel from the data that their world is going to collapse. But I think even five years from now these enterprises are going to be in real trouble.”
When it comes to education, Christensen said that the availability of fairly high-quality online learning would be the disruptive force because “it will take root in its simplest applications, then just get better and better.”" 

Um sector maduro para a mudança...

1 comentário:

CCz disse...

Até dói de tão maduro que está para ser objecto de uma monumental disrupção.
Está tão maduro que até desconfio que existe legislação a protegê-lo.
Querem-me convencer que meia-dúzia de professores não se podiam juntar e criar "livros" alternativos na net? E podiam usar modelos de negócio em que eram pagos por outra via que não pelos alunos, por publicidade, por exemplo.