domingo, janeiro 13, 2013

Do you have a business idea?

"Do you have a business idea?
Well, in the new world of customization, you can stop daydreaming and do it. Back in the 20th century, launching a new business was an expensive, risky undertaking. You had to have up-front financing to pay for production, a costly brick-and-mortar storefront (or, at least, shelf space in one) and a highly paid staff. Now all it takes to set up shop is a great product or service and a website.
Whatever your basic idea for a business, making it customized is the easiest and best way to run it from general concept into viable, profitable reality. When you sell a made-to-order product, you get paid before you make anything, so your monetary risk can be close to nothing. Plus, with customers contributing, their own ideas and excitement for free, your design-related labor costs and marketing expenses will be much lower than in traditional mass-production businesses." 
Muitas vezes dou comigo a pensar que o século XX foi uma espécie de bolha que está finalmente a vazar. Então, para procurar pistas sobre o futuro, tento encontrar paralelismos no passado.
No passado pré industrial, a geografia era poderosa.
A geografia impedia a homogeneização, os trajes regionais, a gastronomia regional, os sotaques regionais são disso uma prova.
Hoje, a geografia deixou de ter esse poder. A democratização da produção não vai ser conduzida pela distância mas pelo gosto, pelas tribos.
Trecho retirado de "Custom Nation"

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