terça-feira, outubro 02, 2012

Não é ignorância

Não creio que estes textos sejam acerca dos empresários portugueses:
"In principle, a business built around a well-defined differentiation and an organization predicated on clear, well-internalized values should be able to perform much better than the average (more complex, less transparent) business on all four stages of the learning cycle: recognition, interpretation, decision, and mobilization.
successful business models can breed the seeds of their own rigidity, lack of learning, and eventual decline through complacency, hubris, a lack of willingness to question basic assumptions, and other human foibles.
cases of stall-out or stagnation are much more often the result of slow response over time to many signs along the way - an organization that was not good at learning - than failure to see and prepare for a huge disruption.
Unlike animals and plants, businesses fail to adapt not because they can't but because they won't. Business failure is the consequence of decisions, not circumstances, and most wrong decisions are rooted in internal, avoidable cognitive and psychological dynamics.
Change and risk takes energy, and energy to address the real problems becomes scarce in times of short-term crisis (due to long-term factors). Energy is directed to defend the status-quo rather than to question or change it."
Trechos retirados de "Repeatability - Build Enduring Businesses for a World of Constant Change" de Chris Zook e James Allen

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