sexta-feira, dezembro 30, 2011

Simplesmente delicioso (parte II)

A propósito de "Saab declara falência depois de falhar venda a chineses" interessante este exemplo de mensagem publicitária da empresa:
"Researchers on consumer studies concluded that when targeting men, advertisers should associate the product with a single compelling message and feature it at the beginning of the ad. In contrast, when targeting women, they concluded that the ads should make use of ample cues that evoke positive associations and images. An automobile advertisement shows a Saab intently pursuing a straight path at a junction where large white arrows painted on the road point right and left. The headline reads: “Does popular acceptance require abandoning the very principles that got you where you are?” According to the ad, while other car manufacturers may compromise their design to win popular acceptance, Saab NEVER will! Never compromise is the single reason presented to buy a Saab."
Trecho retirado de "Gut feelings : the intelligence of the unconscious" de Gerd Gigerenzer.
Qual a proposta de valor para o potencial cliente? 
Uma mensagem sobre a marca... centrada no fabricante.

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