domingo, outubro 09, 2011

O que Guy Kawasaki aprendeu com Steve Jobs

"What I Learned From Steve Jobs":
Gosto particularmente de duas:
"“Value” is different from “price.”
Woe unto you if you decide everything based on price. Even more woe unto you if you compete solely on price. Price is not all that matters—what is important, at least to some people, is value. And value takes into account training, support, and the intrinsic joy of using the best tool that’s made. It’s pretty safe to say that no one buys Apple products because of their low price."
"Marketing boils down to providing unique value."

E o que serviu para a Apple por que razão não há-de resultar para a sua empresa? Valor é a palavra-chave!

2 comentários:

CCz disse...
"marketing is not about touting features and speeds and megabytes or comparing yourself to the other guys, it's about identifying your own story, your own core, and being very, very clear about what you are all about and what you stand for...and then being able to communicate that clearly, simply, and consistently."

CCz disse...

Mais uma vez a mensagem preço versus valor