sábado, março 26, 2011

Notas a "Por que não experimentar o caminho menos percorrido? (parte IV)"

Na sequência do postal de ontem, onde escrevemos sobre Guy Kawasaki que no seu livro "Enchantement"  diz:
"Kawasaki’s book defines enchantment as “the process of delighting people with a product, service, organization or idea. The outcome of enchantment is voluntary and long-lasting support that mutually beneficial."
""Enchantment can occur in villages, stores, dealerships, offices, boardrooms and on the Internet. It causes a voluntary change of hearts and minds and therefore actions. It is more than manipulating people to help you get your way. Enchantment transforms situations and relationships. It converts hostility into civility. It changes skeptics and cynics into believers… When you enchant people, your goal is not to make money from them or to get them to do what you want, but to fill them with great delight.”
Impressionante como num dia encontro vários textos negativos relacionados com este tema:
E com a ideia da procura emergente:
  • "Revolutionary Goals, Evolutionary Steps" ("Keep in mind that early markets are small, so don’t focus your pitch on convincing your audience of how huge a potential market is. Only mainstream markets are huge, and disruptive ideas never get their start in mainstream markets. Promising that is a sure-fire way to lose credibility with your audience.

    So, think small and target only early adopters where you can make an impact with what Gary Hamel calls, “revolutionary goals, but evolutionary steps….”")
E esta proposta "The Awesomeness Manifesto"
Entretanto, esta associação acha que é mais importante maquilhar a realidade do que a enfrentar...

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