quinta-feira, dezembro 09, 2010

Grandes mudanças no contexto só podem ser respondidas com grandes transformações internas

A propósito dos macro-economistas que instintivamente, e sem fazer contas, recomendam a redução de salários para aumentar a competitividade das empresas:
"From an adaptive systems perspective, then, competition generates in organizations a “necessity is the mother of invention” scenario, although the nature of such invention may well be quite limited and incremental.
More specifically, given that search is costly, and assuming that people in organizations pursue low-cost options first, (Moi ici: Qual a opção que primeiro vem à mente? Reduzir custos, reduzir salários, não pagar aos fornecedores, ...) organizations respond to competition by searching sequentially and locally. Rather than “leapfrogging” to radically new solutions, as sometimes described in popular magazines, the typical response to problems in organizations is to make them right by applying the first satisfactory solution that comes along - preferably an existing one. This means that rather than considering all possible options and choosing the best, people in organizations first try known routines - or at least minor adjustments to known practices—and move out to more distant options only if necessary to improve performance to a satisfactory level. (Moi ici: Em vez de empresas apenas, acrescentem macro-economistas) If this effort is successful, such that performance improves to a satisfactory level, then the process of incremental change ends. If performance does not improve, then we can expect a wider, more “global” search for alternatives. This search process is expected to continue until performance improves to a satisfactory level, or as a last resort until aspirations are lowered in the face of continued low performance, a possibility I discuss next.
Over time, the results of these search processes cumulate in organizations, making up the routines and capabilities that exist in an organization at any given point in time. In this light, we can say that organizational capabilities come from solving problems. Organizations that experience a history of dealing with certain kinds of problems, then, will be more likely to emerge having the capabilities needed to deal with these problems.
More generally, when faced with competitive challenges, organizations respond by trying to develop capabilities that help them to overcome these challenges. In any given context, the challenges confronted by organizations as they compete reflect the logic of competition that prevails in that context. Whether realized or not, then, when organizations learn by competing, they are learning about their context’s logic of competition." (Moi ici: Os apoios e subsídios minimizam a necessidade de aprender. Sem queimar pestanas, não se tenta o impossível, não se cria o Uauu!)
Por tudo isto é que coisas destas acontecem, como consequência da aprendizagem:
"Calçado fez 4.500 contratações até Setembro e tem mais 1.000 vagas"
Por isso é que a destruição é criativa.
Trechos recolhidos de "THE RED QUEEN AMONG ORGANIZATIONS" de William Barnett.

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