quarta-feira, novembro 03, 2010

Don’t analyze, intuit the whole.

O que sempre funcionou... pode deixar de funcionar. Um interessante texto de Hiroshi Tasaka "Twenty-first-century Management and the Complexity Paradigm":
“Complexity, however, is not a new theory in that sense. It is a new paradigm of knowing, or, rather, a new way of conceptualizing knowledge.
Accordingly, what the keyword “complexity” will bring about is nothing less than a shift from old ways of thinking to new ways of thinking in all domains of knowledge.

Why are such timeworn words as “complex” attracting attention once again? Because our traditional ways of thinking have come up against a huge wall. Up until now, whenever we encountered a complex object, in order to understand it we would first break it down into simple components of a readily analyzable size. We would then analyze each component minutely, and finally we would synthesize the results.

This means that, as the world increases in complexity, it begins to display new properties that had never existed before.

Thus, the world intrinsically is a living system that cannot be reduced to a collection of its components, because the instant it is broken down into parts it loses its life force.

It is precisely because the methods of analysis and synthesis have come up against these limitations that the search is on for a way of “knowing the whole,” one that does not break down a complex object into its component parts but that comprehends it as a whole in all its complexity.

What, then, is the method by which we know the whole?
“Knowing the whole” is shining a new light once again on the classic technique of old-fashioned intuition. Methods such as “intuition,” “hunches,” and “taking the broad view,” which were previously stigmatized as unscientific and denied “citizenship” in modern management studies, are now being revived and given new life.
For that reason, managers must study deeply the following paradigm shift that knowing the whole teaches:
Don’t analyze, intuit the whole.

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