terça-feira, agosto 03, 2010

The market is a bottom-up world with nobody in charge

"Like biological evolution, the market is a bottom-up world with nobody in charge.
'Nobody planned the global capitalist system, nobody runs it, and nobody really comprehends it. This particularly offends intellectuals, for capitalism renders them redundant. It gets on perfectly well without them.'
As islands of top-down plamming in a bottom-up sea, big companies have less and less of a future.
merchants make wealth; chiefs nationalise it.
Merchants and craftsmen make prosperity; chiefs, priests and thieves fritter it away.
The dirigiste mentality that dominated the second half of the twentieth century was always asking who is in charge, looking for who decided on a policy of trade. That is not how the world works. Trade emerged from the interactions of individuals. It evolved. Nobody was in charge.
The effect of the Phoenicians must have been to create a burst of specialisation all around the Mediterranean. Villages, towns and regions would have discovered their comparative advantages in smelting metals, manufacturing pottery, tanning hides or growing grain. Mutual dependence and gains from trade would have emerged in unexpected places.
But in truth, was there ever a more admirable people than the Phoenicians? They knitted together not only the entire Mediterranean, but bits of the Atlantic, the Red Sea and the overland routes to Asia, yet they never had an emperor...
Trechos retirados de "The Rational Optimist" de Matt Ridley.
Isto no dia em que leio "Função Pública, salários e competitividade" o que me faz voltar a Matt Ridley para acrescentar:
"governments gradually employ more and more ambitious elites who capture a greater and greater share of the society's income by interfering more and more in people's lives as they give themselves more and more rules to enforce, until they kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Because it is a monopoly, government brings ineficiency and stagnation to most things it runs; government agencies pursue the inflation of their budgets rather than the service of their customers; pressure groups form an unholy alliance with agencies to extract more money from taxpayers for their members."

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