quinta-feira, agosto 27, 2009

Á atenção de professores, formadores e não só

"Meaningful learning is distinguished by good transfer performance as well good retention performance.
What's the best way to promote meaningful learning outcomes? The answer rests in active learning - because meaningful learning outcomes occur as a result of the learner's activity during learning.
... meaningful learning depends on the learner's cognitive activity during learning rather than on the learner's behavioral activity during learning. You might suppose that the best way to promote meaningful learning is throrough hands-on activity ... However, behavioral activity per se does not garantee cognitively active learning; it is possible to engage in hands-on activities that do not promote active cognitive processing - such as in the case of people playing some highly interactive computer games.
... well-designed multimedia instructional messages can promote active cognitive processing in learners even when they seem to be behaviorally inactive."
Estou a visualizar aquelas pessoas que estando presentes numa reunião, durante a mesma, elaboram rabiscos e desenhos parecendo estar distantes, and yet...
Trechos retirados de "Multimedia Learning" de Richard Mayer.

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