domingo, março 15, 2009

As alternativas

Realmente a recessão não toca a todos os sectores de igual modo. O imobiliário e os bens de equipamento podem estar de rastos, mas há sectores a crescer.
Parte do dinheiro que não se gasta com as grandes compras pode ser aplicado nos pequenos prazeres do dia-a-dia, por exemplo "Americans reach for small luxuries amid sour economy":
"The ailing economy is threatening to permanently kill the national buzz. The hundreds of thousands who have been laid off of late certainly have no intention of living the high life, and neither do those clinging to employment with shredded fingernails. Second homes, exotic getaways and French Champagne seem at best imprudent, at worst vulgar. What to do?
Think small, like Casey Elliott.
She's here picking up a tin of gourmet hot chocolate mix for her kids, a small but welcome treat at a time when her husband is out of work. "We're trying to do simple things, like going for family walks and playing games," she says.
From food to fashion, potions to pets, entertainment to e-commerce, Americans are finding modest ways to both buoy their spirits and maintain, even in cut-rate form, a version of those old free-spending days."

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