terça-feira, janeiro 20, 2009

Os canários vão à frente ...

... os mineiros usavam canários como detectores de bolsas de gás nas minas. Por isso os canários seguiam à frente.
Talvez já no próximo ano, depois das eleições, a administração pública em vez de um aumento do salário em 2.9%, possa ter de seguir o exemplo irlandês:
"The Long And Difficult Road To Wage Cuts As An Alternative To Devaluation":
"The issue that has suddenly and even violently erupted onto the European macro horizon over the last week (as if we didn't already have sufficient problems to be getting on with) is, quite simply, how, if they either don't want to, or can't, devalue, do politicians successfully go about the business of persuading the people who, at the end of the day, vote them into office (or don't) to swallow a series of large and significant wage cuts? And this is no idle and abstract theoretical problem, since in the space of the last week alone the issue has raised its ugly head in at least four EU member states - Ireland, Greece, Latvia and Hungary."
"Around 20.0% of Ireland's 1.2 million-strong workforce get their salaries from the state. While that proportion is not unusual in Europe, wages are unusually high, as are their accompanying pension benefits. The Irish government is now working to scrap a 6.0% pay increase it announced last September--badly timed to have launched around the time of Lehman Brothers Holdings' collapse--and White believes another 10.0% cut is needed."
Nem se ouve uma mosca por cá ...

ADENDA: "UK cannot take Iceland's soft option" (Apetece dizer: Mateus 13:9)

ADENDA II: Singapura já reduziu o salário dos funcionários públicos.

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