terça-feira, novembro 18, 2008


Por que será que pouca gente escreve e diz estas verdades?
"To simplify dreadfully: China, the Gulf states, and some 40 other states have linked their currencies to the dollar, while the East European mostly link their currencies to the euro. This has led to colossal overheating in most of these regions.
Those with big trade surpluses -- ie China -- have had to buy some $5 trillion dollar bonds and so forth to stop their currencies rising. This has had the effect of flooding the US bond markets, inflating the global credit bubble that lies at the root of this debacle. Please don't send me e-mails protesting that this crisis is caused by US subprime and Alt A property excess. It is not. That is merely a symptom.
Let us not leave out Japan, which bought some $300bn of US bonds in a fifteen month blitz to hold down the yen as it battled deflation. This effect -- plus yen carry trade leakage -- also flooded the world with liquidity. It may well have provided the mortgage for your house in Sussex, Westchester County, or the Reykjavik suburbs."
Evans-Pritchard no Telegraph "Bretton Woods is a dangerous trap "

2 comentários:

Jose Silva disse...


A Elaine já anda a dizer isto há mais de 2 anos. Quando a «descobri» em Junho de 2007 já ela previa o fim do carry trade.

Agora está a chegar ao mainstream media.

Com isto pode ver a utilidade/inutilidade de ler a senhora/outros jornais.

Já agora, sabia que a convenci a editar um livro ?

CCz disse...

Exacto José,
O valor do Evans-Pritchard é ser um dos primeiros a dizê-lo com todas as letras num jornal do mainstream.
A Elaine é notável. E a capacidade que ela tem de conjugar factos com personagens mitológicas é notável... after all, mudam as roupas e a tecnologia mas o humano é sempre o mesmo.