quinta-feira, maio 29, 2008
Constructs e Consensus maps
Sei que não é a mesma coisa, contudo, o que Zaltman escreve no livro "How Customers Think - Essentials Insights into the mind of the market", sobre constructs e consensus maps, faz-me pensar logo em atributos e caracterização do cliente-alvo satisfeito.
"Constructs are marketers and researchers' expressions of what they think is going on in a consumer's mind. Constructs are not the actual thoughts, but simply well-intentioned labels to capture and express them."
"Associations among constructs, not constructs in isolation, drive consumer behavior."
"the associations among constructs start the journey toward actual behavior."
"To understand the associations among constructs that a particular group of consumers holds, marketers can develop a consensus map. A consensus map is a display showing how the thoughts and feelings a group of consumers share about a particular topic are also connected in similar ways."
"the associations among constructs are far more meaningful than the constructs alone."
"Understanding these linkages is crucial, because they provide the best available basis for market segmentation."
Porque ambas as figuras servem para desencadear o mesmo tipo de reacção:
"A consensus map can help managers "reengineer" the way in which they interact with customers and thereby encourage consumers to see their company's offerings in new ways."
Ou melhor ainda:
"A consensus map thus serves as a kind of road map for getting from one place in the mind of the market to another. From a manager's standpoint, having a consensus map is just as essential to strategic planning as having a regional atlas is to a traveler."
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