segunda-feira, março 24, 2008

Segmentação de clientes

Há uns anos, ao apoiar a implementação de um sistema de gestão da qualidade numa micro-empresa industrial (menos de dez colaboradores), consegui convencer a empresa de que precisava de ter actividade comercial. Não podia ficar à espera que os clientes lhe batessem à porta, tinha de ir à procura de clientes.
A empresa, com o auxílio do programa Inovjovem, contratou alguém para fazer a actividade comercial.
Ao planear a actividade comercial, resolvemos fazer uma distribuição com base na geografia. Desenhámos as "voltas" que o comercial teria que fazer em cada semana, com base na localização geográfica...
"The traditional basis for segmenting customers is how much they buy (volume) and where they operate (region). This shortcut is obsolete in most cases because managers now have much more data and analytical power available. A more profitable basis for segmenting customers is by preference and, especially, willingness to pay.
Once you have a clear and objective understanding of preferences and willingness to pay, you can make better decisions about what products and services to offer and how to bundle them."
"Geography and purchase volume may have once been a useful proxy for customers’ preferences and willingness to pay, but all too often we have seen this link broke long ago. Such a segmentation technique may help managers characterize the current state of their markets, but it provides them with no insights into what their markets could or should look like. It does not give them insights they can act on quickly to make more money. In other words, it does not help them decide which customers they shouldn’t serve as intensively and which customers will pay more for certain products and services that others don’t want as badly.
If you segment your market according to customers’ preferences and willingness to pay rather than solely on geography and volume, you will become aware of how you can adapt your offering of products and services to match each segment’s preferences and capture that profit. This new focus will allow you to deploy your sales teams and marketing dollars more effectively. In some cases, that could mean offering services at a different level of intensity or adding additional product and services variations. In other cases, it could mean restricting your focus to a select group of segments, then shrinking your product and service portfolio by eliminating what you no longer need."
Segmentar por proposta de valor...
Trechos retirados de "Manage for profit not for market share" de Hermann Simon, Frank Bilstein e Frank Luby.
Ainda a propósito deste livro, o artigo "Chrysler's Unconventional Plan: Sell Fewer Models, Increase Profit "... será que vai resultar?

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