sábado, novembro 10, 2007

É só fazer as contas


"The strongest argument against price-cutting centers on the mathematical implications of any reduction. Some put their faith in price-cutting because they believe that a 10% price cut will lead to a 10% increase (or even more) in sales, ultimately allowing the company to make the same amount of money – “we’ll make it up on volume.”

But the authors show, using easy, back-of-envelope calculations that “when we cut our price by 10% on a 35% gross margin, we actually cut our gross margin in excess of 20%.”

In practice, that means that sales volume in dollars must increase by 80% -- repeat, 80%! -- to make the same amount of money that was made with a 35% margin. Even more daunting, the quantity of product that must be sold to recoup previous margins has to double.

The implications are clear. A sales force is going to have to work twice as hard to make the same amount of money. The bar gets even higher if competitors match the price cut. Even if sales can double the volume, manufacturing, support and other operations will be put under pressure, potentially affecting quality and customer relationships."

Texto extraído daqui.

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