sexta-feira, novembro 09, 2007

Algumas notas sobre propostas de valor

A leitura deste artigo "Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets", de James Anderson, James Narus e Wouter Van Rossum, publicado na Harvard Business Review de Março de 2006, permite sistematizar algumas ideias sobre as propostas de valor, até porque estão em linha com algumas tentações que se vivem ao procurar desenhar a proposta de valor de uma organização.
""Customer value proposition" has become one of the most widely used terms in business markets in recent years. Yet our management-practice research reveals that there is no agreement as to what constitutes a customer value proposition - or what makes one persuasive."
"Some managers view the customer value proposition as a form of spin their marketing departments develop for advertising and promotional copy. This shortsighted view neglects the very real contribution of value propositionsto superior business performance. Properly constructed, they force companies to rigorously focus on what their offerings are really worth to their customers."
"Our research indicates that most managers, when asked to construct a customer value proposition, simply list all the benefits they believe that their offering might deliver to target customers."
Até parece que no final de um dia, ficamos satisfeitos com o desempenho da EDP ou da REN, só porque a energia não falhou... não se trata de um benefício, trata-se do serviço básico.
"Another pitfall of the all benefits value proposition is that many, even the most, of the benefits may be points of parity with those of the next best alternative, diluting the effect of the few genuine points of difference. Managers need to clearly identify in their customer value propositions which elements are points of parity and which are points of difference."
"Without a detailed understanding of the customer's requirements and preferences, and what it is worth to fulfill them, suppliers may stress points of difference that deliver relatively little value to the target customer."
Mas ainda se pode ir mais além
"Although the favorable points of difference value proposition is preferable to an all benefits proposition for companies crafting a consumer value proposition, the reasonating focus value should be the gold standard."
"Suppliers can provide such a customer value proposition by making their offerings superior on the few elements that matter most to target customers, demonstrating and documenting the value of this superior performance, and communicating it in a way that conveys a sophisticated understanding of the customer's business priorities."
"... the resonating focus proposition steadfastly concentrates on the one or two points of difference that deliver, and whose improvement will continue to deliver, the greatest value to target customers."

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