segunda-feira, julho 17, 2023

Desmascarar clichés

Há dias, no FT apanhei este artigo, "Scaling up or selling out: a German take on a corporate dilemma" sobre duas empresas alemãs a Bayer e a Viessmann. A Bayer e a decisão de comprar a Monsanto, e a Viessman e a decisão de vender parte do negócio à Carrier.

Este anónimo engenheiro da província pronunciou-se sobre o negócio na altura:

No artigo lê-se:
"Shareholders were unimpressed by the high price as well as debt burden taken on. Moreover, the transaction exposed Bayer to Monsanto’s litigation risk. Bayer was forced to pay $10bn in settlements over Monsanto’s weedkiller glyphosate allegedly causing cancer. Disgruntled investors earlier this year pushed out chief executive Werner Baumann, one of the deal’s masterminds."
Mas o mais importante do artigo para mim é:
"What seems particularly remarkable about the Bayer and Viessmann cases is that they appear to turn clichés about corporate decision-making upside down. Normally, listed groups that are accountable to cold-blooded shareholders are expected to take sober, hardnosed decisions which, if necessary, ditch decades of corporate legacy in a blink. By contrast, tradition-rich family outfits are thought to dither when it becomes necessary to prune a company.
But regardless of the ultimate outcome, the political opprobrium and Max Viessmann's tears already show that dismantling a successful company is a difficult decision. That does not mean, however, that it should be dodged."

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