quarta-feira, fevereiro 14, 2018


"The third dimension of value-based selling is the communication of the value proposition to the customer. According to the interviews, the most salient aspect of the sales communication is the credible demonstration of the offering’s contribution to the customer’s business profits. While any salesperson might claim to save money or enhance customer revenues, value-based sellers provide persuasive evidence for their value claims. Clearly value evidence acts as a powerful mechanism to reduce ambiguity regarding superior value for the customer.
Respondents emphasized that credible communication in value-based selling should actively aim to reduce customer perceived risk. We identified two widely used risk reduction strategies in value communication. First, references can be used to demonstrate a history of past successes and evidence of the vendor’s willingness and capability to deliver superior value.
Second, companies emphasizing value-based selling were widely implementing guarantees to signal their credible commitment to delivering superior value. Bearing some of customer’s risk was often regarded as the flip side of sharing the value pie.
In sum, communicating the value proposition is defined as the degree to which a salesperson focuses on convincing customers that the proposed offering would impact their profit statement."
Trechos retirados de "It's almost like taking the sales out of selling— Conceptualizing value-based selling in business markets", publicado por Industrial Marketing Management · January 2012

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