terça-feira, outubro 04, 2016

"Finding Promising Business Ideas Hidden in Plain Sight"

Um exemplo claro das muitas oportunidades que vão surgir com Mongo:
"Genet and Ango stumbled across this business prospect hidden in plain sight after they felt the pain of ordering packaging for their first entrepreneurial venture, Inkodye, an art supply dye company. The shipping supplies industry has long catered to large corporations that are ordering hundreds of thousands of boxes, not start-ups looking for small run quantities. [Moi ici: Trabalhar para os underserved] And the ordering process, which requires going through layers of middlemen and sometimes even using fax machines to submit orders, feels byzantine.
Lumi has stepped in as a conduit between the customer and the manufacturing partner. Using Lumi.com, customers can now customize their packing supplies in a few mouse clicks and submit orders of many sizes. Then a manufacturer for the job is chosen based in the work required and the proximity to the buyer’s location.
What the packaging industry lacks in glamour, it makes up for in opportunity.
The manufacturers have insulated themselves over the last 50 years as much as possible from talking to small brands. They did this for a good reason. There was no Internet, and they had to find a way of focusing on manufacturing, so they set up all these layers of middlemen.
It’s also hard for small businesses to create relationships with old school packaging manufacturers because they are used to dealing with large conglomerates that are ordering hundreds of thousands of boxes. If you’re a start-up ordering 10,000 boxes that is not really a big deal to those companies, so it’s hard for young companies to get their foot in the door. At Lumi, we cater to companies of all sizes, including those who need as little as 1,000 custom boxes in a production run."
Agora basta imaginar que eu tenho alguma razão acerca da hipótese de Mongo para começar a suspeitar na quantidade de startups que vão precisar destas pequenas quantidades, pequenas séries e peças não mixirucas. Ainda ontem, à porta da estação das Devesas em Gaia, a minha mente divagou acerca de um camião com os dizeres "caixotaria". Juro que pensei na quantidade de potenciais clientes que poderiam usar embalagens de madeira mas que fugirão quando ouvirem a palavra caixotaria.
No B2B a maior lacuna das PME é a pouca ou nenhuma aposta numa marca própria distinta e distintiva.

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