quarta-feira, maio 04, 2016

Acerca das experiências

"People often ask us which brands create the best experiences and which most effectively use experiential marketing.
The DNA of Experiences.
Habit 10. Focus on Driving TrialUse experiential marketing to create longer engagements that promote the test,  sample, or demonstration of a product or service.
Habit 9. Make It Unforgettable—LiterallyThe target won’t (and can’t) forget the experience and is able to relive it and reshare it for days, weeks, and years.
Habit 8. When Something Works, Don’t Do It AgainThe best brands resist the temptation to repeat experiential marketing campaigns.
Habit 7. Design for ScreensCreate experiences with device interaction in mind.
Habit 6. Bring the Product to LifeUse live experiences to do what no ad ever could.
Habit 5. User‐Triggered EngagementsDesign experiences that don’t start until the target turns them on.
Habit 4. Effect and AffectExperiences that touch the heart impact the mind.
Habit 3. PersonalizedNo two people should have the same experience.
Habit 2. Experiences Are ContentBrand experiences have become marketers’ leading content capture tool and content distribution platform.
Habit 1. Bold, No‐Fear IdeasNothing impacts the success of the experience like a fresh, creative idea."
Trechos retirados de "Experiential marketing : secrets, strategies, and success stories from the world’s greatest brands" de Kerry Smith e Dan Hanover

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