quinta-feira, dezembro 10, 2015

O padrão Mongo

Para mim, faz tudo parte de um mesmo padrão:
  • A decisão da P&G de emagrecer (aqui e aqui)
  • A decisão da fusão da Anheuser-Busch InBev's com a SABMiller (aqui)
  • Esta notícia de ontem Dow/Du Pont: eat yourself thin
  • As notícias cada vez mais frequentes de Stock Buybacks (quando as empresas não encontram melhor aplicação para o seu dinheiro do que comprar as próprias acções)
Um padrão chamado: o caminho para Mongo:
"XVIII 187. There are three types of large corporations: those about to go bankrupt, those that are bankrupt and hide it, those that are bankrupt and don’t know it."
Um padrão referido por Esko Kilpi em "The Future of Firms. Is There an App for That?":
"The existence of high transaction costs outside firms led to the emergence of the firm as we know it, and management as we still have it. A large part of corporate economic activity today is still designed to accomplish what high market transaction costs prevented earlier. But the world has changed.
What really matters now is the reverse side of the Coasean argumentation. If the (transaction) costs of exchanging value in the society at large go down drastically as is happening today, the form and logic of economic entities necessarily need to change!
For most of the developed world, firms, as much as markets, make up the dominant economic pattern. The Internet is nothing less than an extinction-level event for the traditional firm.  ... Very small firms can do things that in the past required very large organizations."

O título é uma espécie de oxímoro, em Mongo não há um padrão. Delícias da língua portuguesa e do significado que se dá a padrão.

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