terça-feira, dezembro 22, 2015

Continua a achar que a sua PME não precisa de uma pitada de concorrência imperfeita?

Agora, até as escolas de gestão aprendem o que promovemos no nosso trabalho e aqui no blogue, a concorrência imperfeita!!!
"Load up a business school’s website or flick through its marketing brochure and you will find pages of text spattered with keywords designed to attract the eye of a discerning MBA candidate. Networks, business practices, students, research, learning and campuses are all “global”—a 21st century shibboleth for business education.
But does a word retain its meaning if everyone uses it? What was once distinctive becomes ordinary, and besides, argues Vincent Mangematin of the Grenoble Ecole de Management in France, being global may not necessarily be good anymore. “Everyone says they want to be a global business school,” says Mr Mangematin. “It’s highly homogenised.” The word “global” has become more meaningless the more often it is used. Even an MBA student in his first week of classes knows this case study: when a field of business schools all sound the same, and all offer similar services, the only way they can compete is on price.
at a time when everyone is globalising, business schools should narrow their focus in order to thrive.
The professor draws a comparison with the wine industry. For a time, there was a race to produce palatable but plain wines that appealed to consumers across the globe. Brand names, rather than specific terroirs, were what shoppers based their purchases on—and price drove buying decisions. Some winemakers rebelled against a race to the bottom, focusing on what differentiated their product, rather than making it the same as what else was available. They found success as a premium product, and attracted discerning customers. Business schools should follow suit, he reasons.
Still, it will take a brave business school dean to step away from the crowd and go out on one’s own, highlighting the things that make a school unique, rather than what is reassuringly familiar. [Moi ici: Recordar "Lidar com a incerteza (parte I)] Unilateral disarmament rarely happens, and even more rarely works. “It will be scary, for sure,”"
 Se até as escolas de gestão, e toda a gente sabe como o mundo da academia é conservador, já acordaram para a concorrência imperfeita, continua a achar que a sua PME não precisa de uma pitada de concorrência imperfeita? Continua a achar que a sua PME não precisa de um pouco de batota?
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