sábado, setembro 12, 2015

Mudar é um acto de coragem!

Ontem favoritei no Twitter este:
Reparem naquele trecho sublinhado:
"Você não imagina como é difícil mudar processos que existem há anos e que têm funcionado bem."
Precisamente ontem, terminei a leitura do segundo capítulo, "Break Path Dependence" do livro "A Beautiful Constraint":
"Path dependence is the term, borrowed from mathematics, that is used to describe the persistence of features like the width of railway tracks. We can see it in the QWERTY keyboard, the internal combustion engine, and even in formulations like the famous Moore’s Law. And we can also see it in how organizations lock-in self-reinforcing processes and the cognitive rigidities that can come with them.
organizations go through three phases in developing path dependence. In the first phase, there is a broad range of approaches used within the organization, and a high degree of managerial discretion on which to use and when.
During this phase, an event occurs (an important success of some kind, for instance) that leads to a dominant approach developing in phase two (“That worked well—let’s do more of that”); in this phase there is still some flexibility, but the dominant example is visible and celebrated. Phase three is the lock-in phase in which a greater degree of self-reinforcing processes and behavior patterns predominate, and there is much less room for variations in approach.
In a workplace culture that prizes efficiency and repeatability, these are the ones that endure, because they have worked before. They have become part of the identity of the company. And they can be almost invisible to the people working there,
In other words, today’s approaches are in effect yesterday’s approaches, based on what was appropriate then, not necessarily now. [Moi ici: Pois... Zapatero et al] They are not simply processes, but paths made up of self-reinforcing bundles of beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors, whose nature—and underlying rationale—may no longer be visible, and rarely questioned.
Because path dependence is about beliefs and behaviors, it is a personal phenomenon as much as an organizational one.

the faster and harder we are asked to work, the more we will want to lean on these protocols. You don’t want your team to use their finite resources questioning every good decision you made yesterday, when the pace of work is only increasing.
Indeed, research suggests that we’re more likely to stick to habits when stressed, because change requires more cognitive energy than we have in those moments. When a track record of proven success meets an increased demand to do more, the tendency to become locked-in is greater than ever."
E, depois, o mundo muda... e continuamos agarrados às práticas e comportamentos que resultaram... mas deixaram de resultar.
Reclamamos o nosso queijo!
Lançamos providências cautelares!
Gritamos por direitos adquiridos!
E o mundo boceja, e continua a girar indiferente, sem deixar de nos lançar uma provocação:
- É a vida! Amanhem-se!
Mudar é um acto de coragem!

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