quinta-feira, abril 16, 2015

Mapas da estratégia (parte II)

Parte I.
"Typical is a large retailer in the US. The company owns and operates hundreds of convenience stores that sell gasoline along with various food and convenience items.
gasoline sales were highly correlated with food sales. Given the higher profit margins on food sales, these results suggested the potential to reduce gasoline prices (and increase gallons sold) in order to increase profits through food sales.
Higher employee turnover had an indirect effect on food profitability through its negative impact on customer satisfaction [Moi ici: Que momentos de verdade, que pontos de interacção, que actividades e, que comportamentos?] (as measured using ‘mystery shopper’ results). The number of workplace injuries, on the other hand, exhibited a direct negative effect on food profits, reflecting the impact of poor working conditions on employee safety and morale. In contrast, the store location index had no ability to differentiate food (or store) profitability, even though the company used this index for assessing new store locations and closing existing stores. While some of the individual location factors, such as the number of parking spaces and market demographics, later proved to have an influence on profitability, the aggregated index used for decision-making lacked any predictive ability."

Matéria-prima para a elaboração de um mapa da estratégia.
Lojas de conveniência - horários e tipo de oferta de comidas e bebidas relacionadas com o contexto do job-to-be-done.
Seduzir os clientes a pararem para abastecer o carro, por exemplo, tendo gasolina mais barata e, com isso, fazer a venda cruzada de comidas e bebidas.
Rotação e satisfação dos empregados, relevante para a predisposição dos clientes para voltarem e comprarem mais.

Trechos retirados de "Moving from Strategic Measurement to Strategic Data Analysis" de Christopher D. Ittner e David F. Larcker. Capítulo do livro "Controlling Strategy Management, Accounting, and Performance Measurement" editado por Christopher Chapman.

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