sábado, maio 24, 2014

Acerca da desigualdade

"In no other period of history have so few institutions wielded so much economic power over the lives of so many people.
This unprecedented - and unimaginable - concentration of economic power was not just happenstance or a byproduct of man's insatiable avarice. Nor can it be rationalized away by simply blaming deregulation or finding fault with political ineptitude or, worse still, political collusion and enablement - although these were all contributing factors to its growth. Rather, on a more fundamental level, it flowed inexorably from the communication/energy matrices that were the foundation of the First and Sec-ond Industrial Revolutions.
Like it or not, giant, vertically integrated corporate enterprises were the most efficient means of organizing the production and distribution of mass produced goods and services. Bringing together supply chains, production processes, and distribution channels in vertically integrated companies under centralized management dramatically reduced transaction costs, increased efficiencies and productivity, lowered the marginal cost of production and distribution, and, for the most part, lowered the price of goods and services to consumers, allowing the economy to flourish. While those at the top of the corporate pyramid disproportionately benefited from the increasing returns on investment, it's only fair to acknowledge that the lives of millions of consumers also improved appreciably in industrialized nations."
Mongo vai também mexer com isto, ao rebentar com esta concentração eficientista. Claro que não vai ser pacífico, os gigantes incumbentes vão oferecer luta, muitas vezes travestida de defesa de qualquer outra coisa:
"A Associação da Hotelaria de Portugal (AHP) propôs ao Governo a criação de uma licença especial para o alojamento local, que inclui a obrigação de uma autorização prévia do condomínio para quem quer alugar o seu apartamento a turistas.
os hoteleiros não exigem o mesmo tipo de regras, mas sim restrições quanto ao número de camas e quartos e o cumprimento de regras de segurança e higiene. “Defendemos transparência fiscal e a publicitação online. Não faz sentido que um alojamento que serve para turistas não esteja obrigado a estar legalizado e seja intermediado em sites sem estar legal, nem transparente do ponto de vista fiscal”,"
Trecho inicial retirado de "The Zero Marginal Cost Society" de Jeremy Rifkin.
Trecho final retirado de "Hotelaria quer condicionar aluguer de casas a turistas à autorização do condomínio"

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